FK5-0001 0:08:23.265 +29:05:25.58 +01.039 -016.33 2.06 A0 J2000.0 FK5-0002 0:09:10.695 +59:08:59.18 +06.827 -018.09 2.27 F5 J2000.0 FK5-0003 0:09:24.659 -45:44:50.79 +01.186 -018.11 3.88 K0 J2000.0 FK5-0004 0:10:19.257 +46:04:20.21 +00.074 +000.03 5.03 F0 J2000.0 FK5-0005 0:11:34.437 -27:47:59.12 +00.079 +001.65 5.42 K0 J2000.0 FK5-0006 0:11:44.014 -35:07:59.17 +01.412 +011.86 5.25 F5 J2000.0 FK5-0007 0:13:14.154 +15:11:00.80 +00.019 -001.20 2.83 B2 J2000.0 FK5-0009 0:19:25.674 -08:49:26.14 -00.093 -003.61 3.56 K0 J2000.0 FK5-0010 0:20:04.251 -64:52:29.25 +26.778 +116.39 4.23 F8 J2000.0 FK5-0011 0:25:45.056 -77:15:15.40 +66.919 +032.37 2.80 G0 J2000.0 FK5-0012 0:26:17.030 -42:18:21.81 +01.833 -039.57 2.39 K0 J2000.0 FK5-0013 0:30:02.362 -03:57:26.39 +00.074 -001.23 5.72 K5 J2000.0 FK5-0014 0:30:22.661 -23:47:15.72 -00.177 +001.27 5.19 A3 J2000.0This catalog is parsed using the following format via the unpack function in perl:
my $format = "A15 A13 A13 A8 A8 A6 A3 A9";In short, you may have up to a 15 character ID for your object, then give the RA and DEC, then RA and DEC proper motions, then visual magnitude, spectral type, and epoch. The units of proper motion are ......