September 28, 2020
Tucson area hikes
Tucson is a great place for a person who likes to spend time outdoors and depending on his own two legs
to get them around. My first hike in the Tucson area was in the fall of 1970. I was attending the University
of Arizona, and decided I wanted to try out the "Ramblers" hiking club. The trip leader (the hike was
up in the high country in the Catalinas) pointed out surrounding summits in the Santa Ritas, Rincons, and even
the Huachucas -- and the seeds were sown. The rest is history.
The Tucson branch of the Sierra Club has a nice
online guide to Tucson Trails.
It looks as if much of it was written by Andy Flach, and I find his "tips" section expecially
good and heartily agree with all that he has to say.
He classifies hikes according to difficulty as follows:
- Class A - over 16 miles or over 3000 feet of elevation change.
- Class B - 8 to 16 miles and 1500 to 3000 feet of elevation change.
- Class C - 3 to 8 miles and 500 to 1500 feet of elevation change.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's hiking pages / [email protected]