June 22, 2020

The DPH153-AT Femtocell

What about running sshd on this thing? Oddly enough this has an ssh client (or seems to), but no ssh server.

Adding any software to the femto would involve figuring out how to add things to the cpio archive that it has on flash. There may be some standard way to do that included as part of the unit. Maybe.

A suggestion is to compile "dropbear" ... I have had trouble with modern ssh clients working with really old sshd, so this should be tested on a couple of modern machines before committing to the work involved, which would involve setting up a MIPS cross tool chain.

I am guessing the OpenWRT gang has crossed many of these bridges and I may be able to learn a lot from them.

Just how far do I want to go with this thing and what do I want to do with it?
Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]