Now I can do "putty focus" and then get right in as "tom". Hooray!
It comes up as on my local network, getting its identity via DHCP. It boots the dreadful and hated Angstrom linux.
It is running a web server of some kind on port 80, but it simply spits out an advertising page for the BBB that talks about Bonscript and Cloud9, which are wretched things I never intend to use.
I try to ssh to it, but it is running some ancient sshd and I get:
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1All the more reason to move to a newer debian with this project. There is a client side work around:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 focus2This is usually worth it, because the resulting session has sane "stty" settings, so if you try to use the "vi" editor for example, it won't be a train wreck.
I put this into a script named "focus" on my server.
Typing "stty cols 200" yields longer lines from things like "ps -alx".
And another angstrom irritation -- no file name completion! You don't realize what habits you have and what you take for granted until something like this turns up missing. I have tried, but there is no workaround for this -- so find some way to ditch Angstrom linux (such as migrating to Debian).
Now chrome gives me a headache as it tries to search rather than just going to an explicit URL that I give it. Firefox is equally stupid. Using one of these links will work:
Sometimes it does work typing "http://focus2:1776", but the above links may be more convenient, at least if I have this page up.I give several since my DHCP jumps around some and I don't want to figure out how to set a static IP using Angstrom. I can get the BBB mac address and lock down my DHCP server. <-- C4:ED:BA:7C:34:2F -->
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]